As part of the project „Zew Oceanu “ (“The Call of the Ocean”) two yachts: v/y “Lila My” and s/y “Atlantic Puffin” visited Dziwnów Marina on Saturday 17th May 2014. The yachts headed by Szymon Kuczyński are sailing towards Iceland. The choice of Dziwnów as the official starting point wasn’t accidental, because right here is the home port of these two yachts, and we are awaiting their return at the beginning of July.
Also on Saturday the handing and raising of Dziwnów flag took place on s/y “Atlantic Puffin”.
We would like to wish all the crew, with very nice sailors: Dobrohna Nowak i Katarzyna Sałaban, free and strong wind.
In the pictures Szymon Kuczyński during the last preparations on s/y “Lila My” as well as Dobrohna Nowak and Katarzyna Sałaban on s/y “Atlantic Puffin” just before starting the sailing.
More information and news connected with the Icelandic expedition on

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